Coming back from Valencia, where yesterday we celebrated a new Edition of “Talento en Crecimiento” for youth.
This "act of resistance" seemed SO NECESSARY despite the limitations imposed by the times -or precisely because of them.
About 80 young people -within a scrupulous respect of COVID protocols- joined us in the gorgeous main room of the Oceanographic, with all kinds of beautiful fish species witnessing the Program. Further, about 600 more young students also joined us through "streaming" during "peak" connection moments.
We talked about purpose, faith in ourselves and determination in spite of adversity. Also about self-knowledge as a prerequisite to find the best path and the right allies.
Hopefully all of those who joined us found a piece for their particular "puzzles".
I would like to thank Fundación CEDE for this opportunity to be part of the future as well as all my speakers, presenters, professors… for their energy, their time and their commitment… May the Force be With All of Us.