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  • Writer's pictureAna de Andrés


Two missions, two programs, two countries... two completely different realities.  

The first two pictures are from the X Edition of the "Fundación Botín" Program for youth in Public Service in Cartagena de Indias some days ago. The only project in which I have collaborated for ten years... and I guess that a piece of my legacy.  I had the privilege of opening a Program where 3 Heads of State participated, but, even more important, if I may, Your Excellencies, were the remaining 200 participants, about 200 of my former students from all over Latin America gathered to show us how they are flowering, the impact they are already making and how they are already transforming their organisations, their institutions, their countries... and themselves.

The last two are from the fall Edition of "Leading in Complexity",  the Program I designed this year for Fundación CEDE. Wonderful trees, beautiful space and amazing shared wisdom coming from our professors, speakers and participants. Magical in many ways, as some of them described it.  Also imperative... because we are in urgent need of leaders with expanded minds, truly humanistic values and an understanding of the transformational power of our most important companies in strategic sectors.

I left both spaces feeling high of life... and renewing my vow to keep bringing the best version of myself that I can access at any given time to everything I do and to every human interaction.   A vow to keep choosing to CARE in capital letters in a world where sometimes it feels as if caring was outdated.  Also feeling proud of them... and of myself.

I wish you beautiful, magic days... and a New Year full of care... and I have a proposition to make: How about those of us who are willing to renew the vow start by applying it liberally to ourselves? Maybe that way we would stop

feeling like an endangered species ... :). 

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